Tuesday, February 14, 2017

We are Here and He is Good

It's been a while :)

There is a reason for that! I have been so deep in the messes of life that I put writing on the back, back, back burner. But I was reminded.

Reminded that I have a story that I need to tell.

A story that involves a family of 6.
A story that involves uncertainty and doubts.
A story that involves moving...a lot.
A story that involves tears, fears, and cheers.

But the reason that I need to tell it is because it involves...No, it REVOLVES...around a God that is so incredibly powerful, big, and loving that He moved us out of Texas and to Wisconsin.

And the blessings abound.

I get to serve as the team mom for a 2nd season for the LCO varsity basketball teams. This also means I get to travel with them and cheer them on for their out of town games!

Three days a week I have the opportunity to help at the Boys and Girl's Club teaching a fun science class and art!!

Three nights a week are overflowing with fun because I have the privilege of being a part of a teen group with some extremely amazing teens.

I live in a home nestled in the most amazing spot I could have imagined. We are surrounded by beautiful woods. Right now snow is covering the ground, but spring is coming soon and when it does the woods are so thick that you can barely walk through them....but the bears can!

Yes, we have bear, deer, elk....so many beautiful birds!

The stars at night are amazing and the moon reflecting off of the snow takes my breath away.

We have a great neighbor that is also our friend. And we live a stone's throw away for the building that the teen group meets in.

And oh....the rivers...they captivate me! They are crystal clear and surrounded by forest and beautiful rock. As I sit here I can imagine and still hear the waves lapping at the sides of my metal canoe. :)

But to be honest with you, the trials abound as well.

I am not a night person...at all...but most things happen late here. MUCH past my bedtime :)

I am generally a shy person, so meeting new people and encountering new circumstances truely scares me.

This weekend I lost my temper and was yelling at one of my daughter's...she was yelling back...when another daughter started running through the house throwing up everywhere.

With the woods come ticks and the biggest, meanest mosquitoes I have ever seen!!

With our departure from Texas relationships that I never imagine would be broken seem to be crushed.

We are walking through trials with our immediate family that frankly I never imagined would be part of our story....but they are.

And it is hard to move away from all you have ever known. It is much more difficult than I anticipated to find a new "normal."

**(I don't have any pictures of the crappy stuff!!  For obvious reasons! :))

And with all of this being said....Do you know why He moved us? 

Because WE need to be here.

We need to be here because this is the very best place for our family to go through the trials we are going through right now. 

Moving here didn't cause them...moving was preparation for them.

We are here because this is the very best place for us to serve Him right now.

We are here because this is where we are supposed to be.

This weekend we started looking back through the past blog posts, and though we had no idea at the time, we could see God's hand gently, but firmly guiding us this direction...even before we knew where Lac Courte Oreilles or Hayward, WI even were!

And that is why I need to keep writing and keep telling this story

Because it isn't my story
It's His.

**PS...It's a lot easier to write about this than it is to live it out so don't see me as more than a lover of Jesus struggling to live a life that glorifies Him!! Cuz I'm nothing more and nothing less...**